Permission Access Agreement

These terms explain how information about TfNSW Concrete Grey Card Holders (GCHs) may be collected and used for the TfNSW Concrete Grey Card Training Program and Rail Industry Worker (RIW) Program.

Please take the time to read the following information carefully.

What is the purpose of the TfNSW Concrete Grey Card Training Program?

The TfNSW Concrete Grey Card Training Program provides  digital training records for workers in NSW performing works and services in relation to bridges and structures and rigid pavements.  It is operated by Metro Trains Australia Pty Ltd (MTA).

What personal information may be collected about me?

Information collected for the TfNSW Concrete Grey Card Training Program may include: name, gender, date of birth, address, contact details, training information (including your universal student identifier) and other personal information as required for the TfNSW Concrete Grey Card Training Program. If this information is not collected, there may be implications for by Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW), including government transport agencies and their contractors (GCH Participants) under their compliance frameworks.

This information will be collected by MTA – as the operator of the TfNSW Concrete Grey Card Training Program – when the information is entered onto the Grey Card System.  Information may be entered into the Grey Card System by a training partner delivering the TfNSW Concrete Grey Card training (Grey Card Training Partner) or by one of MTA’s Concrete Grey Card Service Desk team members. 

How will my personal information be used?

MTA may use and disclose information stored on the Grey Card System to process Grey Card applications and to administer the TfNSW Concrete Grey Card Training Program. 

GCH Participants may access the Grey Card System to check and update GCHs details. 

GCH Participants may collect, use or disclose information about that GCH to the extent necessary for the purposes of:

(a)        processing GCH Card applications;

(b)        safety, workforce and worksite planning, procuring resources, training and reporting for the GCH Participant;

(c)        competency and safety management;

(d)        breach management;

(e)        managing any safety related regulatory claims, investigations or issues;

(f)        for universal student identifiers, to verify information such as your qualifications; or

(f)        enabling other entities that are used by GCH Participants to verify competencies for pre-qualification of suppliers and workforce management.

GCH Participant may only otherwise collect, use or disclose GCH information where:

(g)        required by law, such as rail safety, work/occupational health and safety and other relevant laws (including for investigations or prosecutions) and to comply with workforce participation and diversity reporting requirements;

(h)        the GCH Participant reasonably believes that use or disclosure is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to a person’s life or health; or

(i)         the GCH gives further clear consent to the GCH Participant.

If you have a RIW Card and you elect to do so, your information stored on the Grey Card System may also be uploaded and stored on the RIW System.  The RIW System is governed by MTA’s Privacy Policy for the RIW Program (a copy of which is available

GCH information may be shared directly through the Grey Card System or by another technical method, such as via a Secure File Transfer Protocol or via an API link that integrates with the Grey Card System or the RIW System.

Your personal information may be disclosed to MTA’s third party service providers and advisors who assist MTA to manage and provide the services in relation to the TfNSW Concrete Grey Card Training Program.  These third party service providers may include MTA’s third party service providers overseas, including in the UK and some other countries (limited support purposes) where they are not subject to similar laws to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and, where applicable, State and Territory privacy laws (Privacy Laws).  However, where your personal information is disclosed to MTA’s third party service providers who are located overseas, MTA will also take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information is handled by the overseas recipient in accordance with the Privacy Laws and MTA’s instructions for the purposes described above.

By accepting these terms, I agree:

  1. To provide accurate and complete information to support my application for and use of the  Grey Card on completion of training.
  2. To the collection, use and disclosure of my personal information, and to the use and disclosure of government related identifiers (including my universal student identifier) for the TfNSW Concrete Grey Card Training Program as described above, and otherwise in accordance with MTA’s Privacy Policy for the Concrete Grey Card (a copy of which is available
  3. If you have a RIW Card and elect to upload and store your Concrete Grey Card personal information on the RIW System, to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal information, and to the use and disclosure of government related identifiers (including my universal student identifier) for the RIW Program as described above, and otherwise in accordance with MTA’s Privacy Policy for the RIW Program (a copy of which is available
  4. To the disclosure of my personal information to GCH Participants and the use of that personal information by those GCH Participants, for the  TfNSW Concrete Grey Card Training Program as described above, and otherwise in accordance with MTA’s Privacy Policy for the Concrete Grey Card. 
  5. To the disclosure of information stored on the Grey Card System to transport safety regulators and other regulatory bodies as required to comply with applicable laws (including rail safety, work/occupational health and safety and other relevant laws) and regulatory requirements.


On receipt of my Grey Card, what should I do?

  • Ensure that all information on the Grey Card, including my name is accurate.
  • Inform the Concrete Grey Card Service Desk if the information is inaccurate.

What responsibilities do I have once I accept these terms?

  • Notify the Concrete Grey Card Service Desk of any changes which may affect the accuracy of the information on the Concrete Grey Card, so that they can update the information on the Grey Card System if needed.
  • Not misuse, nor tamper, disfigure or otherwise inappropriately handle or store my GCH Card. GCH Participants have the right to determine appropriate action(s) if this occurs.
  • Not give or loan my GCH Card to any other person for any reason whatsoever.
  • Carry the GCH Card with me whenever undertaking work on a TfNSW (including government transport agencies) project or worksite.
  • If requested by TfNSW take action to cancel your GCH Card in your digital wallet and cease to use the GCH Card from the date requested by TfNSW.



I agree to these terms as a condition of my participation in the TfNSW Concrete Grey Card Training Program.  I understand that a GCH Participant, or MTA as the operator of the TfNSW Concrete Grey Card Program, may suspend or cancel my GCH Card if I fail to comply with these terms or a policy or procedure of a GCH Participant.


I agree to these terms and conditions